Innovation Management Professional Certification - IMPC™

Innovation Management Professional Certification (IMPC), provides a detailed understanding of key concepts and definitions to learn more about this methodology that helps to promote business innovation in a successful way, understanding this discipline that aims to promote a process or culture of initiatives that focus in disruptive changes or steps that transform the business in a meaningful way.

Expand your skill set and grow your career. Here are some benefits of our certification:

- This certification will help you differentiate yourself from the competition.

- Learn to generate ideas of greater impact that make your business grow.

Become a manager of innovation, developing multiple intelligences that allow you to perceive, experiment, question, collaborate and associate differently to develop innovative processes that achieve economic results and social acceptance.

USD $150.00USD $112.00

Learning Objectives

- Introduction to the World of Innovation.
- Conceptual Foundations of Innovation.
- Types of Innovation.
- Themes vs. Problems vs. Projects.
- Design Thinking and Visual Thinking.
- Phases of Design Thinking.
- Innovation Methodologies.
- Management vs Leadership.
- Customer Experience.
- Lean Startup.
- Lean Software Development.
- Agile and Scrum.
- Generation of Business Models.

Audience Profile

- Innovation managers
- Entrepreneurs
- Business executives
- Product managers
- Consultants
-Students: These individuals may be interested in pursuing a career in innovation management and are seeking to develop their knowledge and skills in this area.

Exam Details

- Format: Multiple Choice Question

- Open Book: No

- Questions: 40

- Passing Score: 24/40 or 60%

- Language: Spanish

- Duration: 60 minutes

- Delivery: This examination is available online

- Supervised: It will be at the discretion of the Partner

Certification Details

Certification Type: Fundamentals.

Certification Code: IMPC™


There are no formal prerequisites for this certification.

If you are ready to get certified, start your exam now!

Success Stories From Innovation Management Professional Certification - IMPC™

Companies with certified professionals in Innovation Management certification

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Certiprof_Innovation_Management_badge480x480_09c796fa-4f4e-4a16-bdb6-198981346b20 - Certiprof
USD $150.00USD $112.00