CertiProf's Most Demanded Certifications And The Free Second Chance Program - Certiprof

CertiProf's Most Demanded Certifications And The Free Second Chance Program

CertiProf LLC

Discover CertiProf's top certifications in 2023 to enhance professional careers, increase salary, and boost professional credibility.


CertiProf's Top Certifications In 2023

A certification is an international representation of skills. By taking an exam with CertiProf, people are validating their knowledge and competence in a specific field, which allows them to improve their professional profile and create new job opportunities.

Here are CertiProf's top certifications in 2023:

One of the highest-paying IT certifications, 12,760 people were certified to become Scrum. Also, people can become advanced Scrum Professionals by following CertiProf's Scrum Pathway. Product Owner reached 5068 certified people, and 1933 became Scrum Developers.

Creativity is a powerful tool to solve problems; for this reason, 1787 people got certified in design thinking to improve interaction with the User Experience.

We all seek to improve our results, but we must know how to measure them. That's why 1284 people decided to learn how to set organizational objectives with the OKR Master certification; its goal is to define objectives and key results to achieve them successfully.

Finally, lifelong learners can complement their knowledge with the Agile Coach certification to learn and implement coaching skills to manage the necessary changes and thus achieve objectives and meet goals.

This program has been created to offer a second opportunity to candidates who have taken an exam to obtain any certification but still need to get the necessary score to pass and to give them a chance to strengthen their skills. This is a benefit that is offered for each program in the portfolio. Read the terms and conditions here.

CertiProf also invites the community to learn more about the most demanded certifications in Agile, Business, ISO standards, and new technologies at Certiprof.com.

Second Chance has been created to offer a second opportunity to candidates who have taken an exam to obtain any certification but still need to get the necessary score to pass and to give them a chance to strengthen their skills.

Las Certificaciones Más Demandadas De CertiProf Con Segunda Oportunidad Gratis

Una certificación es una representación internacional de habilidades. Al presentarse a un examen con CertiProf, las personas están validando sus conocimientos y competencias en un campo específico, lo que les permite mejorar su perfil profesional y generar nuevas oportunidades laborales.

Estas son las principales certificaciones de CertiProf en 2023 para mejorar las carreras profesionales, aumentar el salario y aumentar la credibilidad profesional:

Esta es una de las certificaciones de TI mejor pagadas y en la cual 12.760 personas se certificaron como Scrum Master. Además, las personas pueden convertirse en profesionales avanzados de Scrum siguiendo el Scrum Pathway de CertiProf. En Scrum Product Owner 5.068 personas se certificaron y 1.933 se convirtieron en Scrum Developers.

La creatividad es una poderosa herramienta para resolver problemas; por ello, 1.787 personas se certificaron en Design Thinking, para mejorar la interacción con la experiencia del usuario.

Todos buscamos mejorar nuestros resultados, pero debemos saber medirlos, es por ello que 1.284 personas decidieron aprender a establecer Objetivos organizacionales con la certificación OKR Master; su objetivo es definir objetivos y resultados clave para alcanzarlos con éxito.

Finalmente, los aprendices de por vida pueden complementar sus conocimientos con la certificación Agile Coach para aprender e implementar habilidades de Coaching para gestionar los cambios necesarios y así lograr objetivos y cumplir metas.

Es importante señalar que todas las certificaciones CertiProf tienen un segundo intento gratuito. Este programa ha sido creado para dar una segunda oportunidad a todos aquellos candidatos que hayan realizado los exámenes CertiProf para obtener alguna certificación pero no hayan obtenido el puntaje necesario para aprobar el examen. Lea los términos y condiciones aquí en Second Chance.

CertiProf invita a la comunidad a conocer más sobre las certificaciones más demandadas en Agile, Business, Normas ISO y nuevas tecnologías en Certiprof.com.


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