Agile Coach Professional Certificate - ACPC®

The Agile Coach Professional Certificate (ACPC®) is for those who wish to learn and implement Coaching skills to find and manage the necessary changes and thus achieve objectives and meet goals. Coaching is a discipline that consists of resolving problems, allowing personal and professional growth to create awareness, improving communication, and obtaining extraordinary results in life, professionally, in companies, or in ventures.

This certification, based on Agile methodologies, is intended to guide people and organizations in the process of changing from current status to a future or better one in the least painful way possible to obtain phenomenal and sustainable  results. The Agile Coach concentrates on the client's knowledge, increasing their performance and improving their quality of life.

USD $150.00USD $150.00

Learning Objectives

To have an overview of the agility, primary practices, Coaching, and fundamental skills that an Agile Coach must have to be a catalyst for change in people and organizations.

Learn and understand Agile frameworks and Lean principles, not only at the practice level but also at principles and values levels.

Develop the teaching capacity to offer the proper knowledge at the right time and in the right way so that people, teams, and organizations can comprehend the ability for their best benefit.

To get certified internationally as an Agile Coach Professional Certificate (ACPC), endorsing the knowledge and fundamental application of the Agile Coach Professional Certificate.

Audience Profile

-Business Ownership


-Management position or higher in a corporation

-Business Leaders

-Startup Founders / Entrepreneurs

-Product Managers

-Marketing Professionals

-Sales Professionals

-Small Business Owners

-Project Managers

-Strategy Consultants

-Innovation Managers

Success Stories From Agile Coach Professional Certification - ACPC®

Exam Details

- Format: Multiple Choice Question

- Open Book: No

- Questions: 40

- Passing Score: 32/40 or 80 %

- Language: Spanish / English / Portuguese

- Duration: 60 minutes

- Delivery: This examination is available online

- Supervised: It will be at the Partner's discretion

Certification Details

Certification Type: Professional.

Certification Code: ACPC®


There are no formal prerequisites for this certification.

If you are ready to get certified, start your exam now!

Companies with certified professionals in Agile Coach certification

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Agile Coach Professional Certification: Official Exam Voucher and Study Guide | (ACPC) - Certiprof
USD $150.00USD $150.00