Service Desk Leader Professional Certification - SDLPC™

Nowadays, companies devote 62% of their efforts to better understanding their customers and their expectations regarding support services. Customers increasingly seek personalized attention, which strongly influences their buying experience.

It is critical to understand that customers have clear expectations about how they want to be treated and what they expect from brands. In fact, according to studies, up to 90% of consumers would switch brands if their expectations are unmet or they need to receive exceptional customer service.

Therefore, paying attention to customers' tastes and needs is crucial to satisfy them. Therefore, an effective tool is a customer service desk, such as a Service Desk, that allows quick and efficient interaction to answer any questions, concerns, or customer complaints.

Audience Profile

Anyone interested in expanding their Service Desk knowledge, whether they are new or experienced team managers or supervisors.

USD $100.00USD $75.00

Learning Objectives

- Understand the fundamentals of the Service Desk, including best practices, processes, and workflows.
- Learn to lead and motivate a Service Desk team, including performance management and conflict resolution.
- Develop effective communication skills, both verbal and written, to interact with customers and team members.
- Understand the concepts of incident, problem, change, and configuration management and how to apply them in a Service Desk environment.
- Learn how to measure and improve Service Desk performance, including tracking key metrics and identifying opportunities for improvement.
- Develop leadership skills, including decision-making, task delegation, and time management.
- Understand current trends in the Service Desk, including artificial intelligence and automation.
- Learn how to work with other leaders and departments in the organization to ensure effective service delivery.

Exam Details

- Format: Multiple Choice Question

- Open Book: No

- Questions: 40

- Passing Score: 32/40 or 80 %

- Language: Spanish / Portuguese /English

- Duration: 60 minutes

- Delivery: This examination is available online

- Supervised: It will be at the discretion of the Partner

Certification Details

Certification Type: Fundamentals.

Certification Code: SDLPC™


There are no formal prerequisites for this certification but it is highly recommended to have more than three years of experience in Service Desk environments.

If you are ready to get certified, start your exam now!

Companies with certified professionals in Service Desk Leader certification

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