Auditor Líder Certificado ISO 22301 - I22301LA

$70.00 USD $140.00 USD Ahorrar $70.00 USD

Auditor Líder Certificado ISO 22301 - I22301LA

Exam Code:

Exam format

  • Multiple choice
  • 40 questions
  • Passing score: 80%
  • 60 minutes duration
  • Closed book
  • Unproctored exam delivered through

You will have two attempts within 180 calendar days after you receive your initial welcome email to pass the test at no cost.


Please read the following carefully before proceeding:

  • You may take the exam immediately or within 6 months from payment date.
  • Once the exam is purchased and taken you won’t be eligible for a refund.

Retake Policy

Each exam purchase includes 1 free retake.

Auditor Líder Certificado ISO 22301 - I22301LA

This certification is about business continuity and the requirements of ISO 22301 – the most popular standard in the world that addresses the topic of business continuity.
The outline follows the structure of ISO 22301 standard covering the following requirements: Context of the organization, leadership, planning, support, operation, performance evaluation and improvement. The continuity of the business is not limited to the information systems, it goes further, taking into account the integrity of the people who work in the company, since they feed the information systems and therefore the main asset.

  • Coaches
  • Startup Founders / Entrepreneurs
  • Product Managers
  • Operations Managers
  • Small Business Owners
  • Project Managers
  • Innovation Managers
  • Software developers
  • Product owners
  • Software architects
  • Team leads
  • QA managers

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