Cultural Change Towards Agility with York Rössler
In this episode, Dr. York explains how changing to an agile culture is primarily a top-down process, how companies that want to promote cultural change need leadership by example. "You can't change culture by putting values on a wall."
According to Dr. Rössler, agility implementation fails for many reasons, including people thinking they can implement agility in a waterfall process and setting a due date to become agile. He urges us to understand that agility is a never-ending process; teams have to constantly question themselves and the organization for continuous improvement and innovation. He also believes rushing agile implementation is a big mistake. Rössler recommends that there should be a clear objective and a compelling reason before adopting agile.
He believes agility almost never fails because of a lack of methodology, framework knowledge, or the wrong software. It usually fails because of cultural reasons.
His advice to our community is that in order to become agile, a certification is not enough. We should ask ourselves how we can create a corporate culture that promotes agility. Employees need to feel culturally supported and empowered in order to continue growing.
Don't forget: "Be the change you want to see in this world."
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